07 décembre 2005
I needed a break/J`avais besoin d`une pause
Yesterday evening, I was sooo tired. I needed to let go on the film a bit. So I listened an audio book (my last great discovery) had a good diner, and... drew a bit.
I did it that way: someone really adorable who live with me would give me an adjective and I would draw something according to it on a piece of correspondance cardboard.
(in the order: disgusted, uncertain, avid)
As for the film, I`m doing dinosaur scenes , that`s why there`s no post related to the film at the moment... I`m not going to post dinosaurs everyday!
But why is there a dinosaure in the film anyway? That`s because the hamster transforms itself into one after he heard a story Emily told her younger brother.
Hier soir, j`etais trooop fatiguee. J`avais besoin de lacher prise sur le film.
J`ai ecoute un livre audio (j`ai decouvert ca tout recement et c`est trop cool), mange un bon diner, et ... j`ai dessine un peu :D en suivant ce processus:
L`adorable personne qui vit avec moi me donnait un adjectif, et puis j`executais un petit dessin sur une carte.
En ce qui concerne le film, je tourne du dinosaure en ce moment, c`est pour ca qu il n`y a pas de post lie au film en ce moment: je ne vais pas poster du dino tous les jours!
Ce dinosaure est le hamster qui se transforme apres avoir entendu une histoire qu`Emily a raconte a son petit frere.
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Libellés : Sketchs/Croquis
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18 commentaires:
How are you my little girl :P. you are doing a beautiful job,
Dont worry I dont have update is only my little support to the artist ;) beautiful sketches !!!
Hey Aurélie, I love your blog. Great looking models. I love the Profiterole. He's really cool looking. Nice sketche throught your blog. Thanks so much for the link too. Appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing how your film goes.
some really incredible work you have done here =] love the characters, can't believe they're clay =]
Can't wait to see how the project progresses...will you be releasing it on dvd or to film festivals???
Very lovely sketches!
Thanks to all for visiting my blog, and for the nice things you're posting. It's always a pleasure to see a new comment :D
Steve: about it being ever released, I'm actually questionning if it's ever going to be finished... well the studio in Uni is booked until the 9th of february 2006, so you will know by then ;)
I'm doing my best to have it well done, anyway!!
Hey there...nice work...I really like those drawings. Really expressive! Can't wait to see more of your talent in the blogging world!
Ils sont magnifique, votre dessins. Hope I said that right!
from what you have posted you are well on your way...
I am a huge stop motion fan, and I have never seen a character like yours in 3D, really incredible, certainly one of my new favorites =]
lovely stuff
I love the girls great stuff and the clay sculpture
C'est marrant comme ton style sur ces derniers sketches est different des précédents. Plus proche de celui de ton story-board, que j'adore, je dois dire !! Merci pour le lien vers mon blog, c'est vachement sympa. Je vais faire de meme illico !
ils sont excellents ces dessins, aurelie! Moi, par contre je trouve que les autres dessins plus bas dans la page sont plus personnels et pour ca je les aime encore plus!
p.s. si tu envoie un "profiterole" a Gabriele, moi j'en veux un aussi...!
It continues to amaze me. All of these animation blogs are fascinating, but mostly yours.
Waow... some more nice comments :D :D thaaanks to all
I will post a picture of Albert (Emily young brother) soon as I'm finishing it at the moment.
Thanks to Amelia for the french in the comment: this is very sweet from you to make the effort :)
Christophe: c'est la magie de "j'ai changé de crayon": les sketches et le story sont fait avec mon criterium pentel 0,5 2B, alors que la serie de dessins devant la TV et autres sont faits avec un feutre fin 0,1 milimetre, Steadtler pigment liner.
Et crois le ou pas, mais ca fait toute la difference!
Simon: merci de poster sur mon blog :)
Et puis pour ta request, je transmets immediatement à mon département merchandising ;)
Eric: I'm a regular on your blog. One can say I'm addicted to it now! So that's great to see you here, and to know you like what I do :) Merci beaucoup
bravo aurélie
t'est effectivement merveilleux tous ces dessins
j'étais un gamin quand j'ai regardé tout ça!
david C.(le fan)
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I will be looking forward to your next post. Thank you
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