23 mars 2006

I keep drawing, just keep drawing... (on the same tune as Dory in NEMO)

Thanks to all for the latest comments and good wishes :D
I wish everything is going fine for you as well.
Merci a tous les gens qui ont posté des gentils comments et encouragements récemment :D
J'espere que tout se passe bien pour tout le monde.

8 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

hey grrreat characters! I like em

Martin Wittig a dit…

I agree!! Very nice designs!MORE!!!!!

virginiavalle.blogspot.com a dit…

Aurélie this is wonderful :) Your little boys are so cute!!!

Unknown a dit…

adorable charming characters!

arvindh a dit…

Great sketches. Keep them coming! Just keep them coming....(Imagine Dory singing!)

Nick Sung a dit…

very cute kids!
fun attitudes, and i like that they're all kind of looking up--it's a tall tall world at that age.

J a dit…

Nice stuff Aurelie. Great looseness to the work and some really specific appeal.

the doodlers a dit…

We'll add our thoughts to the chorus. Lovely character designs! Cheers, Aurelie!