I try to go back to a certain drawing rythm, despite of having busy days... Life drawing in the evening :)
Je tache de garder un rythme de dessin malgré des journées bien chargées... cours de nus le mardi soir :)
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Libellés : Sketchs/Croquis
6 commentaires:
Salut aurelie,I can see that you are in L.A by the size of this man belly.Is he meant to be The Burger King.I hope you are having a good time in good old Glendale.
The life drawing are great! Best of luck with the new move. I'm sure with your work, all will be more than well. Lookin' forward to seeing more great stuff!
c'est pas trop tot dis donc!!!!
enfin des news ^^
et des nouveaux dessins
bien le bijour vous 2
t'as vu... moi aussi j'ai remis
mon site a jour
je fais pas de la pub ici
juste que je pense a te dire
maintenant, et que j'ai la flemme d'ecrire un mail ^^
enfin il est provisoire
mais ya deja des dessins
continues comme ça
very nice life drawings....very fluid
Wow! These are great!! I love the lines on these! Beautiful rythms, and very fluid!
Hey Aurelie!
Hope everything is fantastic and wooooonderful in your new home. Let us know what is happening in that new exiting job, who knows, you might report back that you've taken over the company..:)
Hugs & kisses
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