11 août 2006

Ma soeur Charlotte

This is a drawing I did for my youngest sister's boyfriend. It's depicting her in different states. I didn't do her justice though, because there are only three her being nice and four being... you know :p
Most of the time she's the sweetest girl!

C'est un dessin pour le chéri de ma plus petite soeur, qui la decrit dans differents états. Il y a plus de dessins la montrant comme... vous savez :p
alors qu'elle est surtout adooorable!

5 commentaires:

patrick mate a dit…

c'est tres mignon quand meme.

Hilus Anendorf a dit…

For what i see, you and her boyfriend should give her more teddy bears...and more often, je crois...

Unknown a dit…

ooh love the gesture and expression of these characters!

Anonyme a dit…

quelles jolies expressions...tes dessins sont vraiment adorables^^

Tobio a dit…

I´m in love with your style and expresion...

please,.. more...