01 décembre 2007

Winter in Paris, and TV sketches

Vendredi, ce fut à nouveau une petite dose de Montreuil. Le meme cirque, mais pour m'entendre dire que mon portfolio ne faisait pas assez "jeune adulte" cette fois çi. Rageant... Du coup j'ai fait ce dessin en rentrant! Le reste, ce sont des dessins fait devant la tv: un épisode d'Hercule Poirot, et Angels in America
Friday i went to Montreuil again, and was aid that my work was "not "young adult" enough". That really anoyed me, so when i came back home i did this drawing to get rid of the annoyance feeling. The rest are not-so-old sketches done in front of the TV: an Hercule Poirot episode, and Angels in America

12 commentaires:

Alessandra Sorrentino a dit…

..wha? it's weird, cause "a perfect mix of young and adult" is actually what comes out of your work..it's spontaneously innocent, fresh, appealing and wisely drawn at the same time. I don't get it ;)
Don't get too annoyed aurelie, cheer up my dear! ;)

Unknown a dit…

C'est quand ton expo a L.A?

Anonyme a dit…

Ah, c'est pas toujours facile le festival Montreuil, y a du bon, du mauvais, et du n'importe quoi !

En tout cas j'aime bien la fille avec son bonnet, et c'est dommage, j'étais sur place Lundi, j'aurais bien voulu te rencontrer et feuilleté ton book...

J a dit…

Wow Aurelie, these are awesome!!
All of your recent have been fantastic!!!

Dani a dit…

Le terme "jeune adulte" me fait rire; techniquement TU es une jeune adulte!!!

C'est beau les petits gants, les sacs fermoirs et les gros nez rouges; ca doit être l'hiver a la télé aussi!

Lubomir a dit…

Excellent, you have such beautiful ease in your drawings!

Angeliki a dit…

Aurelie I honestly believe your work ROCKz!!!

You have helped me a lot during the course and I have already told you that your work is truly inspirational!!!

Btw I loooove the girl with the cool outfit;)

c.g.young a dit…

Wonderful Aurelie!,your art has
a fun originality that comes to life and jumps off the page.
Inspiring stuff and great blog.

Aurelie a dit…

Ale: Thanks for your comment: it cheered me up. and sorry i didn't see you the last time you were in Paris. Next me time we'll meet, at last :)
Stef: je te previens promis :)
Jellycat: je ne te dis pas "l'année prochaine" parce que je ne sais pas si j'y retournerai lol

Thanks James for always stopping by and leaving a kind word :)

Dani: c'est vrai... et même bientot une adulte adulte!
Ca m'a laissé sans voix sur le moment!
Les costumes des Hercules Poirot, c'est du années 30, 40 50, ca dépend des episodes. J'adooore

Lubomir: Thanks: i discovered your blog and your friend's blog trough the coments, and they are really cool!

Sweet Angeliki, thanks... you have no idea how much i enjoyed and now miss this year and half we spend all together at the Bristol Animation school.

Cgyoung: i discovered your blog trough your comment too! And i'm glad i did! Thanks for your appreciation!

Unknown a dit…

These are fantastic! That's a very well-drawn purse.

chanee a dit…


kopi.J a dit…

WOW! I Love it...
and i thing thats good for you >>

ปล่อยโปรฯ ทีเด็ด! AirAsia Thank you!