24 août 2008


Hier j'ai visité la maison de Monet
La Normandie c'est vraiment très joli. Et vive les week ends en amoureux.
Yesterday i visited Monet's house
Then we wandered in the countryside. Normandy is a very restful place.

4 commentaires:

Cuca a dit…

C'est une très jolie maison, et quand on voit son jardin on se croirait entrer en plein coeur de ses tableaux !
merci pour le lien au fait. ;)

RAWLS a dit…

I would love to visit there myself one day! Cute sketch!

Andreas Schuster a dit…

just found your blog thanks to rawls, you have a great style and everything just scream "FUN!" (in a nice way)
also, i prefer staedler over faber castell ALL the time and my friends think i´m weird because of it.
true story

Aurelie a dit…

isab: je t'en prie :)

Rawls: you should: the place is beautiful and there are many other things to see in the area beside Manet's house. And it's only an hour from Paris!

Andreas: welcome here! (thanks rawls!)
just tell your friends you have the french style lol (or italian, because Giuseppe said he was using it too)