14 novembre 2010

Novembre. 14/30. Sorcieres

dimanche soir
sunday evening post

8 commentaires:

Noam Sussman a dit…

love your work!

Lesley Vamos a dit…

I'm not sure why but I haven't visited your site in a while, I was so excited to see all the new drawings though!! Your line work and sense of character and composition continue to astound me!! I LOVE love love the the children you've been designing and the layout for the fairytale about love and the invention of silk! It's all so beautiful! ^_^

Jonathan Vermersch a dit…

Elles sont trop bien elles!

Sabine a dit…

Haha! Excellentes les triplettes !! LOL

pierre ledain a dit…

excellente les petites sorcières ,elles sont trop marrantes :)

Aurelie a dit…

@Lesley: to be fair I haven't posted anything here since january, so you had good reason not to stop by so often :) I'll try to keep up the rythm until Xmas...
Thanks for your kind words! I whish i had time to do the children in watercolour as well! I am favouring traditional medium in my personal work: it's much more rewarding

Thank you sussman

Sabine: :)
Pierre et Jonathan: Hé oui, je ne fais pas que parler pendant des heures, des fois je dessine aussi ^^
des bises

Yohann Propin a dit…

Ces petites sorcières sont fantastiques! Moi aussi elles m'inspirent:


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