05 septembre 2012

Rock en Seine

So... There is this music Festival near Paris, happening every year. Last year I went with some friends of mine. This year I went with my sketchbook, and both made new friends and stumbled upon old friends. It was thrilling.

And there was, of course, some decently good music and not-cheap-bear in recyclable goblets (glasses?)

 The organisation was awsome. Fantastic iPhone app with real time updates on the bands scheduele. And I fell in love with the illustration Thomas Baas produced for the official look of the festival: hop, link to his work: http://www.costume3pieces.com/fr/galerie/Baas/portfolio/

And, fun thing: David (amazing Sketcher/Artist/Bg designer/illustrator/...) took this video of me (yes, new hair)

31 janvier 2012

13 janvier 2012

happy new year :)